Migrating to Kubernetes - 2

By late 2018 we had a couple of clusters running and already accumulated several tools that would need to run on the cluster to be production ready. Things like Filebeat, Prometheus, external-dns and Dex & Gangway for example. It was not desirable to roll these out in multiple manual steps. »

Migrating to Kubernetes - 1

At FREE NOW (formerly mytaxi) we run a microservice backend consisting of roughly 300 services supported by a set of auxiliary applications. Since 2015 we have been using AWS ECS as the underlying container platform. »

Terraform RabbitMQ Autocluster

At mytaxi we are handling a lot of MQTT traffic back and forth with the taxi driver app. Thousands of connections must be kept for all online drivers. The system behind that has to be fast and reliable otherwise customers might not be able to book a taxi. Our former RabbitMQ setup was running on Amazon Linux. While planning a RabbitMQ update we found, that Amazon Linux only provides Erlang R14B04 in their repositories. So Amazon Linux was a dead end. We then turned to Docker and slightly modified the alpine-rabbitmq-autocluster image for our needs. Together with an AWS Autoscaling »